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Roof inspection reports.

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

Getting your roof serviced is one of the most important parts of having one. By the end of 2023, it is estimated there will be 28.1 million households in the UK, all of which have a roof. Regardless of what kind of roof it is, it needs to be inspected on a regular basis. Forgetting to give your roof a bit of TLC can lead to some serious problems later down the line!

Each roof has specific needs and requirements; some need more inspections and maintenance than others.

At JS ROOFING we have put together a general guide that will help you choose when to get your roof inspected and work out whether or not you can complete the checks yourself.

Regular roof checks

As a general rule, you should get your roof inspected at least once a year, preferably during the spring or autumn - this means you will know your roof is ready for the seasons that come with more extreme weather conditions.

Completing a roof inspection is also the best way to pre-empt any damage to the roof that could lead to further complications down the line.

Any leaks or interior damage can be detrimental to your roof in the long run.

It doesn’t take a roofer to know that some roofing materials have a longer lifespan than others. Other environmental factors, such as where you live, can affect your roof’s needs.

If you live in an area that sees lots of extreme rain and wind, your roof will naturally need regular checks to ensure any damage is dealt with promptly.

Is it a DIY job?

Completing a thorough roof inspection is harder to do than you think. It requires years of roof knowledge, as well as specialist equipment, not to mention the health and safety risks involved. We recommend leaving your regular roof inspection to the experts, to make sure nothing slips through the cracks and you don’t end up with a huge repair bill right before christmas. Not only do they know exactly what they’re looking for, they have also done it so many times that they know what’s easy to miss.

There are a few things you can do safely from the ground to inspect your roof throughout the year. Consider doing a walk around inspection regularly, as well as checking your loft for water damage and holes. Remember, inspecting your home yourself a few times a year is a good idea, but it’s always best to call a roofer in to do a major check in order to keep your roof healthy for as long as possible.

Time to call a professional?

Now that you understand the importance of a regular roof inspection, it could be time to call out a professional to your home. If you’ve taken anything from this blog, you’ll know that it’s time to book your roof inspection with JS Roofing, contact us today to make sure your roof is in the best condition possible.

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